[ubuntu-jp:1174] Re: ubuntu と GISソフト

Leona OKAMURA leona @ simasima.org
2008年 11月 7日 (金) 04:51:14 GMT


> ubuntuでgmtをインストールされた実績があるか

Hardy/universe にパッケージがあったので,インストールしてみました.
% sudo aptitude search gmt
p   gmt                                      - Generic Mapping Tools
p   gmt-coast-low                            - Low resolution
coastlines for the Generic Mapping
v   gmt-coastline-data                       -
p   gmt-doc                                  - HTML documentation for
GMT, the Generic Mapping To
p   gmt-doc-pdf                              - PDF docs for GMT, the
Generic Mapping Tools
p   gmt-doc-ps                               - PostScript docs for the
Generic Mapping Tools
p   gmt-examples                             - Example scripts
illustrating the use of GMT
p   gmt-manpages                             - Manpages for the
Generic Mapping Tools
p   gmt-tutorial                             - Data files needed to
reproduce the tutorial exampl
p   gmt-tutorial-pdf                         - Tutorial for GMT, the
Generic Mapping Tools (PDF)
p   gmt-tutorial-ps                          - Tutorial for the
Generic Mapping Tools (PostScript
p   ogmtools                                 - Tools for manipulating
Ogg multimedia streams
i   powermgmt-base                           - Common utils and
configs for power management

% sudo aptitude install gmt gmt-tutorial

% GMT pscoast -R-90/-70/0/20 -JM6i -P -B5g5 -G180/120/60 >! map.ps
% gs -dBATCH map.ps




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