[ubuntu-jp:814] News : Fsecure Linux Security 7.00をリコール
rhinoceros at kcc.zaq.ne.jp
Sat May 17 03:29:26 BST 2008
F-SecureがLinux Security 7.00をリコールしました。
以下は、F-SecureのLinux Brogの和訳です。
We are recalling Linux Security 7.00
Thursday, May 15th, 2008
Linux Security 7.00をリコールする
We have discovered that the Linux Security 7.00 that we released just three
weeks and a few days ago, contains a very serious bug that can have severe
consequences for customer systems. The short version is: if you have
installed Linux Security 7.00 and you are using the Client Edition keycode,
please uninstall immediately to prevent further damage to your system. Below
I have included the official recall notification sent to our maintenance
notification mailing list and partners.
我々が三週間と数日前にリリースしたLinux Security 7.00が、顧客のシステムに重大な結果をもたらす大変深刻なバグを含んでいることを発見した。
手短に : Linux Security 7.00をインストールし、Client Editionキーコードを使用しているのであれば、システムに対するこれ以上
How could this happen? There really is no excuse to let this kind of things
pass our testing. We have often boldly and proudly talked about our extensive
testing and validation processes - and yet we failed to catch this bug. There
were a number of things that went wrong, each of which should have caught
this mistake. We do code reviews, automatic tests, manual validation,
etcetera, and still at each of those steps human error made this possible.
While researching this issue, most of our mistakes became very apparent to
us, and steps have already been taken to prevent this and similar things from
happening in the future, but we will still need to carefully examine this
situation to figure out every possible way to fix our tools, processes and
どのようにしてこれは発生したのか? この種の物の通過を我々のテストが許したことに弁解の余地は無い。我々は広範なテストと検証プロセスについて、しばしば力強く
Here is the recall notification:
A serious issue has been discovered in the newly released F-Secure Linux
Security 7.00. The flaw only affects installations using the Client
Edition keycode. When triggered, the bug will cause serious data loss
and possibly render the system unusable by removing the entire /var
directory hierarchy. In other cases, random sub-directories of /var can
be silently deleted from the system. Installations using the Server
Edition keycode or running in evaluation mode are not affected.
新しくリリースしたF-Secure Linux Security 7.00に、深刻な問題が発見された。このフローはClient Editionキーコードを
使用しているインスタレーションのみに影響する。引き金が引かれたとき、このバグは深刻なデータ損失を発生させる。そして、場合により /var ディレクトリ階層
To recover, the user must restore the /var directory from a backup.
修復するには、ユーザはバックアップから /var ディレクトリをリストアしなければならない。
F-Secure is urging all users of F-Secure Linux Security 7.00 Client
Edition to not make new installations and immediately uninstall it from
all systems to prevent further damage.
F-Secureは、新規にインスタレーションしないことを、そして、これ以上のダメージを防ぐために全てのシステムからF-Secure Linux
Security 7.00を即座にアンインストールするよう、F-Secure Linux Security 7.00 クライアントエディションを使用してい
To check if your system is affected, run:
grep “Device or resource busy” /var/opt/f-secure/fssp/dbupdate.log
If the command returns one or more rows, there is a high probability
that parts of your /var directory structure has been deleted and must be
restored from a backup.
F-Secure will release F-Secure Linux Security 7.01 within a few days,
that will fix this issue. A new notification will be posted when this
new version is available.
F-Secureは数日以内に、この問題を修正したF-Secure Linux Security 7.01をリリースする。この新しいバージョンが利用可能になっ
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