We desperately need more ops in #ubuntu.

Melissa Draper melissa at meldraweb.com
Fri Dec 15 21:14:11 UTC 2023

> On Dec 15, 2023, at 12:16, Aaron Rainbolt <arraybolt3 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Number of events that needed operator intervention where no intervention was present: 23

The logger client hides exits (for good reason,) so you’re are missing out on quite a bit of network staff intervention with that number. There are ops team on network staff, and we don’t usually announce in affected channels when we do a network intervention, because that’s usually quite a few channels. However, you can probably figure out a bunch of them by checking the nicks and seeing that some are frozen. You’ll still miss the k-lined ones.

Also, from a long term irc team member, this list is averaging over the year at problems happening less than once a week, which is a very low rate of abuse compared to the daily load we used to deal with. This comes with its own impact on response times; if there’s nothing to do, attention wanders or fingers get itchy for action. More ops may well not make much difference, or may not make a positive difference in terms of channel temperature.

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