New/Upcoming features on freenode

Robert Wall robert at
Sat Dec 13 22:33:55 UTC 2014

On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 1:06 PM, Robert Wall <robert at> wrote:
> === Upcoming services changes: SASL DH-BLOWFISH dropped ===
> : Again, not
> directly relevant to us, but you might want to check your SASL
> configuration, and users might ask about it.
> === Upcoming services changes: New exttargets ===
> Also : freenode
> testnet is currently testing a couple of new exttargets. Exttargets are
> things that can be added to ChanServ access control lists (the things we use
> to e.g. specify who has op access in channels) to assign flags to a group of
> users. The two new exttargets are:
> * $registered to grant flags to all people who are identified to NickServ: I
> don't see a use-case for this in #ubuntu-*, personally, but suggestions
> welcome :)
> * $chanacs to grant flags to people who have flags in another channel: this
> could be useful to e.g. automatically give #ubuntu ops access in #ubuntu+1
> (currently, those two channels have the same ACLs because of manual
> syncing).

These changes have now been enabled on the production freenode network.

Robert Wall <robert at>

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