Using NOTICE messages

Joseph Price pricechild at
Sun Mar 13 01:36:59 UTC 2011

While we're at it, we should probably get freenode to fix services too.

On 13 March 2011 00:28, Elián Hanisch <lambdae2 at> wrote:
> On Sábado 12 Marzo 2011 17:19:41 Juha Siltala escribió:
>> * Add eir to #ubuntu
>> - Still need to study arguments against channel notices in -ops.
>> [ACTION] Ops need to provide these.
> I was planning to ask some feedback about notices too, but since the subject
> is already being discussed I guess better talk about it now. (Note: I
> haven't read the meeting log yet)
> One of the new features of the new factoid plugin in development are edit
> notifications, whenever a factoid is modified/created/deleted, -ops is
> notified about this. In the current implementation this is done through
> notices, I was already told that ops aren't very fond of them, but I haven't
> heard any arguments. Also, the message "nick called the !ops in #channel"
> message is currently done with a privmsg, but I wanted to be consistent and
> use notices.
> Please know that I have no problem with using privmsgs instead, make it
> configurable or something, but I did like to know what's the problem with
> notices, we are using them in -es-ops without issues.
> My reasons behind using notices:
> - Protocol: notices are meant avoid looping messages between bots, the irc
> spec states that notices are the same than a privmsg, but shouldn't trigger
> a response. So when you send a notice, is it safe to assume that no bot or
> script will try to reply to it, if one does it isn't following the spec.
> - Public logs: Notices aren't logged in public logs, so whatever that a user
> does in a query with the bot doesn't end in the public log. Users
> trolling/spamming with the bot won't get their messages in the log.
> (I know this is stupid, but do we have to add in the ToS that whatever they
> say to ubottu if it has an 'is' in the sentence will be logged in -ops? :P)
> - Easier to filter: This is not a user case for u-ops, but if somebody isn't
> interested in seeing notices, he can filter them easily without ignoring the
> bot completely. (assuming a decent client.)
> --
> ~ m4v
> --
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