Motion to suspend eir

IdleOne oneidle at
Tue Aug 23 11:48:26 UTC 2011

On 11-08-23 06:22 AM, Melissa Draper wrote:
> I agree with the previous posters, it's had a week to prove itself and 
> sadly it is time to call this a lesson learned and proceed to making 
> the most of it. I also fully agree that don't have the luxury of time 
> in this case to wait for the next IRCC meeting. We are already 
> struggling with bans made yesterday.
> We tested in production already, lets not make matters worse by 
> hot-patching it.
> On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 8:38 AM, Robert Wall <robert at 
> <mailto:robert at>> wrote:
>     On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 01:01:12PM -0700, Neal Bussett wrote:
>     > I motion we suspend the experiment with eir for the time being.
>      I think
>     > it would be prudent to do so immediately and not wait for
>     discussion at
>     > the next meeting.
>     I agree. In its current form, it's more annoying than useful. I can't
>     make the next meeting, but even if I could I think this is a
>     non-controversial enough sentiment that it doesn't need discussion
>     before removal. #ubuntu-ops-team has been constant complaining
>     about it
>     since its implementation.
>     > I think it's become apparent over the past few days that eir doesn't
>     > integrate well with our operator work flow and our current bot
>     > ecosystem; we need to take a step back and figure out how better to
>     > address our needs.  At this time, eir is not a workable solution
>     for us.
>     It integrates fine with my workflow for my own bans, though I'm
>     atypical. It doesn't fit well with our philosophy that ops should be
>     able to edit each others bans, and it /really/ doesn't work well with
>     the Floodbots.
>     I do find eir useful for my own use, and would like it in
>     #ubuntu*, but
>     I think at this point it's obvious that we need to roll our own with
>     customizations to allow ops to edit each others' (and the Floodbots')
>     bans, and take a hard look at the configuration for default ban length
>     and how long there is between expiration intervals.
>     --
>     Robert Wall
>     robert at <mailto:robert at> |
>     --
>     Ubuntu-irc mailing list
>     Ubuntu-irc at <mailto:Ubuntu-irc at>
I have to agree with the rest of the team here even though I was all for 
adding eir to #ubuntu at the last ircc meeting.

eir just doesn't work well "for us" at this time.

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