#ubuntu-offtopic channel topic

Matt Darcy ubuntu.lists at projecthugo.co.uk
Thu Oct 14 15:09:19 UTC 2010

Based on the feedback I've received on the two topics I've pushed

1.) Get a topic of "Ubuntu Offtopic Discussion" to #ubuntu-offtopic
2.) Merge offtopic silo channels to central offtopic community discussion

it seems best to leave them as they are, which from my chair is a little
dissapointing as I don't see much positive contribution from either
#ubuntu-offtopic or #kubuntu-offtopic ( can't comment on
#xubuntu-offtopic or the many other #$ubuntu-offtopic channels as I'm
not a regular in there).

We've all talked about ways to get more out of the offtopic channels in
the past from both a contribution and policy standpoint.

Is there anything we can do to make it a more positive channel with a
perhaps clearer direction ?



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