Perhaps it would be wise to open #Ubuntu-LTS?

Jo-Erlend Schinstad joerlend.schinstad at
Sun May 9 18:43:30 UTC 2010

On 9 May 2010 20:15, Charlie Kravetz <cjk at> wrote:
> If you don't think dapper is relevant as LTS, you are using the name
> wrong. We do actually have three LTS versions at this time, and
> declaring it to be desktop support seems like a duplicate of #ubuntu,
> which is also desktop support.

I didn't say Dapper wasn't relevant as an LTS. I said I didn't believe
it would make sense to merge desktop and server for LTS just because
they're LTS releases. If we feel the need to have a special support
channel for LTS Server releases, then I think it should have its own
channel, named something like #Ubuntu-Server-LTS.

Just like server issues aren't handled in #Ubuntu, though Ubuntu
Server is also in the Ubuntu family.

Jo-Erlend Schinstad

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