When will we have more ops in #ubuntu during the Australasian day?

John Vivirito gnomefreak at gmail.com
Mon Jun 30 22:10:09 UTC 2008

Peter Garrett wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Jun 2008 06:45:13 -0600
> Aaron Toponce <aaron.toponce at gmail.com> wrote:
>> There are so many ops in ChanServ's access list, that adding more ops
>> seems silly.  Maybe it's time to take a look at who's still active and
>> who's not, and start weeding out the inactive ops, if no one is around
>> to answer channel calls.
> If this is done, I suggest that the ops concerned be consulted about
> it first :)
> For example, I have been unable to be active as an op recently, but I
> hope to return... People's personal circumstances can mean that they
> are absent for a time.
> You don't want to alienate anyone - diplomacy is required.
Most ops are left there because when !ops is called we may all go to it
but someone else might have already handled it. Example: i work on
Mozilla apps building/fixing/whatever the case may be and it keeps me
fairly busy but it makes me late to return to #ubuntu when called. now
most of the ops in chanserev list are there to help if ops are not
around (there are times i have found myself the only op around im sure
its not just me either.

If we add ops add them by hand dont add them to op list unless coucil
plans on setting this people as ops for us.

Sincerely Yours,
    John Vivirito

Linux User# 414246

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