When will we have more ops in #ubuntu during the Australasian day?

Aaron Toponce atoponce at ubuntu.com
Mon Jun 30 22:31:49 UTC 2008

John Vivirito wrote:
> Most ops are left there because when !ops is called we may all go to it
> but someone else might have already handled it. Example: i work on
> Mozilla apps building/fixing/whatever the case may be and it keeps me
> fairly busy but it makes me late to return to #ubuntu when called. now
> most of the ops in chanserev list are there to help if ops are not
> around (there are times i have found myself the only op around im sure
> its not just me either.

And how many ops are not hanging out in that channel that are in the
!ops command, or in the ChanServ access list?  How many ops haven't
frequented the channel in 6 months? A year? More?

I'm just mentioning that house cleaning may finally be needed (has it
ever been done?).  Of course, take the appropriate steps to ensure that
diplomacy and democracy prevails, as well as the CoC, but I think it is
in order, of not enough ops are there to respond to calls, yet the list
is plenty long to handle it.

Aaron Toponce         ( )  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
www.aarontoponce.org   X   www.asciiribbon.org
                      / \

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