
Jussi Kekkonen jussi.kekkonen at
Tue Apr 29 12:03:50 UTC 2008

without knowing you personally, I'd say you might have point, though
what I have seen your way to say it (especially as being IIRC not part
of our team) isn't the best possible. ;)

I hope you, or shall I say, we, all try to be more builders than
destroyers so to speak, and I'm not trying to point or blame anyone,
just to comment generally.

Now back to my cave, too much hu-mans...

2008/4/29, Jo-Erlend Schinstad <joerlend.schinstad at>:
> 2008/4/29 Tony Yarusso <tonyyarusso at>:
> I also note that I count a grand total of 11 lines spoken either by or to
> > you in the main parts of Ubuntu namespace in the last month, zero of which
> > was in any of the places where the big issues at hand occurred or where
> the
> > followup discussion of this team have been.  This makes me very, very
> > curious on what grounds you think yourself remotely qualified to say
> > anything about it.
> >
> Please count again. I'm very active in several channels in the Ubuntu
> namespace that has now suddenly lost services and in which
> discussions have followed after he left. Also note that I'm not commenting
> on the specific or issueuser that made him leave, but on
> the way he left. Do you think people doesn't notice when such a well known
> character leaves like that, "slamming doors and pulling
> cables", so to speak?
> > Oh, and please stop trying to shove more respected people out of our
> > community than have been pushed out already.  It's not appreciated.
> >
> I have no idea what you're referring to. Have I tried to shove anyone out?
> Quite the contrary. Seveas had already disconnected
> from the network a long time before my post, and the bots with him. About my
> comment regarding Hobbsee encouraging people to
> leave while staying connected herself; well if that isn't hypocricy, then I
> don't know what is. That's not shoving.
> If trolls are a problem, and there isn't enough people to handle it, then it
> seems better to seek more people than encouraging
> people to leave in protest. That was my point, and now I've made it twice.
> Jo-Erlend Schinstad

Jussi Kekkonen

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