Fwd: Re: is offtopic -offtopic

Rich Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Sat Jan 27 23:17:39 UTC 2007

On Saturday 27 January 2007, you wrote:
| On za, 2007-01-27 at 16:04 -0600, Rich Johnson wrote:
| > Plus every now and then I go in and look when everyone
| > is discussing it in the OPs chan, and then there are many others who
| > do idle there that tell me about it.
| Sure, when people are discussing it, there probably is a problem going
| on. That's not really a representative sample. Such channels always need
| more ops love because of the amount of subjects that come up. That you
| don't hang out in there is fine, but don't discredit the work of other
| ops by declaring the channel crap if sometimes things happen and people
| discuss the channel in -ops.

I don't mean to discredit the work of the OPs at all. I am saying the 
communications and the ambient atmosphere in there is crap. I am in there now 
and what would you know, relationship garbage and sex. I mean OPs or no OPs 
around, how are you going to control that?

Quiet, temp ban, perm ban, all that will do is cause people's panties to get 
knotted up and twisted into a bunch. Which will only make things worse. No 
matter what, everytime I am in either of the offtopic channels 
(#ubuntu-offtopic is by far the worst), it is less than 5% about Ubuntu, 
Linux, or hell even Open Source. I see more Microsoft Vista, Mac OS X, Sex, 
Drugs (no rock-n-roll though), religion, and of course politics. How does any 
of this qualify as Ubuntu Offtopic? It doesn't, that is why I said it is the 
cesspool of Ubuntu channels.

If the offtopic channels weren't an issue, there wouldn't have been about 10 
or so previous email about what to do with it. Ridiculous that people are 
wasting their time wondering what to do with garbage channels instead of 
being active and contributing to the cause.

Rich Johnson
nixternal at ubuntu.com
GPG Key: 0x2E2C0124

Rich Johnson
nixternal at ubuntu.com
GPG Key: 0x2E2C0124
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