is offtopic -offtopic

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at
Sat Jan 27 22:49:41 UTC 2007

[Sorry Rich, forgot to hit reply to list] 

On za, 2007-01-27 at 16:04 -0600, Rich Johnson wrote:
> Plus every now and then I go in and look when everyone 
> is discussing it in the OPs chan, and then there are many others who
> do idle there that tell me about it. 

Sure, when people are discussing it, there probably is a problem going
on. That's not really a representative sample. Such channels always need
more ops love because of the amount of subjects that come up. That you
don't hang out in there is fine, but don't discredit the work of other
ops by declaring the channel crap if sometimes things happen and people
discuss the channel in -ops.
Dennis K.

Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
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