is offtopic -offtopic

Rich Johnson nixternal at
Sat Jan 27 22:04:07 UTC 2007

On Saturday 27 January 2007, Dennis Kaarsemaker wrote:
| On za, 2007-01-27 at 13:42 -0600, Rich Johnson wrote:
| > The offtopic channels are the cesspools of Ubuntu. 95% of
| > the time or greater the talk is definitely anti-CoC,
| You don't idle there so you don't know that. And it's definitely not
| true.

I don't idle there just because of that. The offtopic channels are crap, and 
to see constant bitching from both sides concerning the channels lets me know 
nothing has changed. Plus every now and then I go in and look when everyone 
is discussing it in the OPs chan, and then there are many others who do idle 
there that tell me about it.

If it wasn't true then we would have everyone complaining about religion, sex 
and politics being talked about in the OPs channel. It does go on, that is 
the reason I left and don't hand out in those channels. They are garbage!

Rich Johnson
nixternal at
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