[ubuntu-in] General Question About Linux - Would there be any kind of Computer Users you would not introduce to Linux

Narendra Diwate narendra.diwate at gmail.com
Fri Sep 17 04:31:03 BST 2010

On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 11:40 PM, Ramnarayan.K <ramnarayan.k at gmail.com>wrote:

> So what kinds of people would you not introduce to linux

The kind who have a closed mind and dont allow new thoughts, views, opinions
to enter. Those that are so stuckup with their views that they think that
they have the only solution and all other solutions are not even worth their
consideration. Those that do not want to try new things because they dont
want to disturb the status quo.

I was introduced to linux as a result of my curiosity to look for something
better, more secure/safe, more ethical (never liked the fact that i had a
pirtated version) and more affordable after just one incidence of boot
issues that threatened my data security. I knew that i could not live with
that kind of uncertainity with my data and at the same time it felt
absoultely foolish to go pay a big sum to get a legal copy and still the
primary issue would not get resolved even by a fraction.

Since then, my dad has shifted to ubuntu, he never required any hand
holding, just had to point out that the taskbar is on top rather than down
and thats it. We were anyway using OpenOffice and Firefox, so the move was
easier for him.

A few others, especially cousins in college too felt it was complicated, but
after getting sick of formatting almost every month they made the move. They
now dont want to go back.

Almost all friends i know of have company issued laptops just like me and
desktops or netbooks of their own at home. They are most difficult to
convert. I never try to bear down on them to try linux. By the way most
companies that i worked for didnt allow Linux. OpenOffice was the farthest
they would go.

Narendra Diwate
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