[ubuntu-in] If not Ubuntu then what

Amarendra Kumar er.amar at gmail.com
Tue Mar 30 16:47:44 BST 2010

By a mac I meant a mac mac. Not a hacked mac. I had seen the links and have
tested it on my PC for close to a week and result was the least stable
system I used till date.

How ever thanks for reminding me again. I will make my PC unstable again :)

On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 7:01 PM, Jkhatri <khatri.jatin at gmail.com> wrote:

>  On 03/23/2010 04:37 PM, Amarendra Kumar wrote:
> Great post Ram.
> I have been mulling over such issues recently. And similarly, I like Ubuntu
> but I used to love Ubuntu. Some changes have happened that I personally
> don't like and it's bound to happen in case of such a huge user base distro.
> But things like moving widgets to the left side is something I find weird as
> most of the users are windows migrants like me and left side widgets are
> painful too (I tried it on my friends Mac for long enough to be sure).
> I am triple booting Vista (for stuffs like Counter Strike etc.), Fedora
> (used seldom, didn't like actually) and Ubuntu is my main OS. I have
> planning on an Ubuntu alternative myself especially in case I have top ditch
> it seeing the growing control over it. I had chosen Arch Linux for that
> purpose which is included in Ram's list.
> So I will replace Fedora partition ===> Arch Linux.
> I don't know why but I have this strong feeling that I may convert to Mac
> once I can afford one :P
> hacked mac is available for PC ( Intel Hardware )
> OSx86 see .....................http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSx86
> have a look at this for more details ......http://ihackintosh.org/ideneb
>  ;-)
> After all if I have to go for closed open source why not go for a better
> and solid closed closed source.
> These developments made one thing clear - I am not going to be a complete
> one-OS convert , not at least in near future. Options are always good.
> Somebody once rightly said in an IRC channel: " don't stick to one distro
> for long, you will lose the thrill". I am loosing it :)
> Cheers!!
> On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 1:55 PM, Ashutosh Rishi Ranjan <
> ashutoshrishi92 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > So not debating the specifics of Mark Shuttleworth's comments and the
>> reactions
>> > and the interpretations, I am getting an uneasy feeling. That maybe just
>> maybe
>> > we are becoming Ubuntu dependent and too complacent.
>> >
>> > I can walk blindfolded through a typical Ubuntu install and its
>> subsequent
>> > setup of additional programmes, tweaking programmes to work like they
>> should
>> > for me.  Knowing what repos to add to get exactly what software and
>> where to
>> > source software (tuxwire, zyware).
>> >
>> > I cannot be happier with what i have. But what if we need to move to a
>> freer
>> > system. Are there any other distro's out there. Sure there are 600 plus
>> many
>> > of them with a passionate user base and with its attendant problem.
>>  Ubuntu has gone far from being a typical linux distro and its because
>> of canonical. Ubuntu is now capable of challenging the macintosh and
>> windows in their own game as a proper all-level consumer product.
>> Getting its own music-store, thats an amazing feat (and its possible
>> because of Canonical). Free and open source softwares are good. But in
>> the main OS battlefield you cannot place your linux OS without a
>> strong dedicated company (which will steer the advertising and
>> management) backing it. Of course, the linux OS can be amazing in
>> functioning, but thats it. It won't create much of an impact on
>> 'everyone'.
>> Canonical can rightfully guide ubuntu (and its amazing that they do it
>> as saints). Because ubuntu is getting so popular, its essential for
>> ubuntu to have Canonical securing its interests. The final decision to
>> what appears in ubuntu is Canonical's decision and they really have to
>> base their decision (now) on the fact that ubuntu is being eyed as a
>> fierce competitor to mac and windows (even though there are other good
>> linux OS, Ubuntu has entered the consumer stream more deeply). A good
>> proof of this happening is that all the major softwares when available
>> for download focus on ubuntu as a major consumer linux OS.
>> I love Ubuntu because frankly till now I have had no objections to
>> Canonical's decisions. I weigh their decisions in terms of its effect
>> on new users not me because I know that the decision won't really
>> affect me because I can choose what I want after installing the
>> default. Canonical does not enforce but merely makes their decisions
>> idiot-proof.
>> > My questions are how would people feel about trying out a distro other
>> than
>> > Ubuntu (specially first time users), in fact have first time linux
>> Ubuntu users
>> > tried other distro's and what do they feel.
>> >
>> > I started of with fedora 1 and went through a variety and can make
>> another
>> > distro do to my bidding.
>>  I tried fedora. Found it not much different from my experience on
>> ubuntu. Even though Ubuntu is moving to be more idiot-proof, it has
>> definitely not left behind the powerhouse of linux like what fedora
>> has. This is the best thing I like about ubuntu. You can team up
>> old-school and new-school. Plus, I found ubuntu's development and
>> package managers more better.
>> Another distro I tried was Archos. Its brilliant! and fun. You can
>> build your own OS based on your choice. I ruined my OS :P
>> > My other question is how many of us dual boot a second linux OS and is
>> your
>> > secondary OS as well set as your primary, are you comfortable with it,
>> under
>> > all conditions.
>>  I had windows, ubuntu, fedora on the same computer. For some time I
>> used fedora more than Ubuntu to see whether I should keep it.
>> Eventually after a month I removed fedora from my main computer and
>> gave its space to Ubuntu. Though I have had mad varieties on linux OS
>> on my laptop. Currently I have Lucid beta1, Ubuntu karmic server and
>> archos. I use archos mainly.
>> > My 3rd question is what would you suggest people try as a fall back
>> option in
>> > case people want to try and alternative.
>> >
>> > My suggestions are Pardus, Mandriva, OpenSuse, Fedora, Knoppix
>> > Others have suggested Arch Linux
>>  I would suggest Fedora and so would Linus Torvald :)
>> > The few times in the recent past when i tried another distro i very
>> quickly
>> > reverted back to Ubuntu, since i was uncomfortable around my system but
>> now i
>> > think its worth exploring an alternative in great earnest.
>> >
>> > look forward to reactions
>> >
>> > ram
>> >
>>  For me, I go with the fact that at the end of the day, "Ubuntu is just
>> linux OS with different packages than other OS, apt-get can get you
>> anywhere."
>> --
>> Ashutosh Rishi
>> Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
>> --
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>> ubuntu-in at lists.ubuntu.com
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> --
> Amarendra Kumar
> Final Year Undergraduate
> Dept. of IT, NIT Patna
> http://amarendra.web.officelive.com
> "Stay hungry, stay foolish"
> --
> Jatin Khatri
> Web www.khatrijatin.co.nr
> www.fedoraproject.org/wiki/Jatin
> Phone (+91) 98250 20393
> * Save Paper, Save Environment. *
> *(Plant at least one tree in your life and nurture it !!!)*
> --
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Amarendra Kumar
Final Year Undergraduate
Dept. of IT, NIT Patna

"Stay hungry, stay foolish"
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