[ubuntu-in] What you want to see in Ubuntu 9.10?

Hardeep Singh hardeep1singh_s60 at yahoo.co.in
Sat May 23 10:04:24 BST 2009

1.     I would suggest creating standards for third party installers so that
all third party softwares that require the user to go to the site to
download the app, should ensure that the download is available as a .deb
file that can be installed on a simple double click without requiring the
user to go to the terminal.


2.     Similarly there should be standards for Themes, Ubuntu should have
themes available as a package that can be installed on a simple double
click, something on the lines of .themepack files introduced by 7. So that a
new user doesn't get confused with the 10 different ways to getting a theme
to work.


3.     All the codecs required the run the standard media should be
available on the installation CD and it should prompt the user during
installation to install with/without third party codecs. Legally speaking,
it doesn't really make a difference if you're providing the codecs on the
site or on the CD, if both mediums are being provided by you.

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