[ubuntu-in] DVD Region code

Onkar Shinde onkarshinde at gmail.com
Sat Sep 20 13:30:47 BST 2008

On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 12:55 PM, Linux Lingam <linuxlingam at gmail.com> wrote:
>> How do you claim that "mp3 not playing" is related to "DVD not
>> playing"? Did you even read the original question?
> thanks omkar for a good question.
> mp3, xvid, mpeg2, mpeg1, og, and i suppose about two dozen more, are
> codecs, that encode and decode audio, video, or images.

I know that. What I meant to ask that your reply wasn't fit for the
query the original poster had asked.

> hope you realize that mp3 really stands for 'mpeg 1 Layer 3" so it is
> related to video as well.

No. Mp3 is not related to video. Mp3 is an audio codec. Period.

> i've tried to often enable support for tricky codecs and/or
> fileformats. for instance, quicktime, or try to install special
> software to convert (transcode) one stream into another, such as
> convert a flash video into a 3gp file for mobiles, or convert mpeg2 to
> divx and so on. or extract and encode an audio-track from or for a
> video, into mp3. and much more.
> sometimes, this entails installing software and utilities that work in
> the background, such as xine, ffmpeg, gstreamer, etc. etc.
> sooner or later, these packages start conflicting with one another. in
> getting video transcoding to work in one way, i will find that mp3
> playback has got broken in another software. or getting ffmpeg to work
> with some app, video in totem or some other player stops working.

I am hearing such complain first time that xine, gstreamer, ffmpeg
conflict with each other. Have you filed bugs?

> for example, i recently installed this software under ubuntu, to
> convert back and forth between my pc and mobile:
> http://www.miksoft.net/mobileMediaConverter.htm
> but damn! it broke a lot of other things that were working normally.
> took me a week recently to get some things working again on my computer.
> and still a few remain broken.
>> By the way feisty is now more than an year old version of Ubuntu.
> sure, but if you keep 'updating' the system does a neat job. thing
> that were broken or had bugs just get sorted out in a few weeks or
> months. am quite pleased with how it just works.
> some things are just not fixable in fiesty, so found workarounds. for
> example, audacity (an audio editing software) would not display menus
> or dialog-boxes. the text disappeared. people on launchpad pointed out
> a problem with locale. so while launching audacity, i just switch
> local to 'us' and continue working.

Yes. Things don't get sorted automatically. Someone has to file a bug.
And just because feisty is working fine for you does not mean you
should recommends people to install an year old operating system. I
hope you understand.


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