[ubuntu-in] Licensing ..[was Re: Looking for a flat-bed scanner in the 6-7k range which is supported by ubuntu & available in India]

Onkar Shinde onkarshinde at gmail.com
Sat May 10 12:11:36 BST 2008

On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 4:06 PM, Kingsly John <member+ubuntu at kingsly.net> wrote:
> +++ Onkar Shinde [2008-05-09 22:41:43]:
>> By the way, can someone please verify if CC-BY-NC 3.0 is acceptable
>> license for mails in this mailing list?
> Not everything needs to be licensed.
> Your mails are still copyrighted to you, so nobody can claim it to be theirs
> since you can always show that you posted it first. So there's really no
> reason to further license mails in any way.
> And licensing mails to a public mailing list is dumb. If you don't want to
> share the information, don't participate!
> To give you an example of how useless/unenforceable an idea it is ...
> This email is licensed under my Beer-mail license, anyone who has read this
> mail now owes me a beer!

The reason i asked was because shirish's mail to which I replied says
it is licensed under CC-BY-NC 3.0. I was just not sure about the NC
part. If it was CC-BY-SA, I wouldn't have asked. :-)


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