[ubuntu-in] Licensing ..[was Re: Looking for a flat-bed scanner in the 6-7k range which is supported by ubuntu & available in India]

Kingsly John member+ubuntu at kingsly.net
Sat May 10 11:36:08 BST 2008

+++ Onkar Shinde [2008-05-09 22:41:43]:

> By the way, can someone please verify if CC-BY-NC 3.0 is acceptable
> license for mails in this mailing list?

Not everything needs to be licensed.

Your mails are still copyrighted to you, so nobody can claim it to be theirs
since you can always show that you posted it first. So there's really no
reason to further license mails in any way.

And licensing mails to a public mailing list is dumb. If you don't want to
share the information, don't participate!

To give you an example of how useless/unenforceable an idea it is ... 

This email is licensed under my Beer-mail license, anyone who has read this
mail now owes me a beer!

     Kingsly At Users Dot SourceForge Dot Net  -- http://kingsly.org/

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