[ubuntu-in] Global Bug Jam - the planning begins

Parthan SR parth.technofreak at gmail.com
Fri Jun 20 18:06:04 BST 2008

Hi Ubunteros,

We had a GBJ meeting today at #ubuntu-meeting with Daniel Holbach and 
Caspar Clemens Mierau. The discussion was about past bug jams they had 
conducted and what they learned from it. We also tried to get some ideas 
from those experiences and make some guidelines to the GBJ. There was 
also presence of bug-control guys and people who have been already doing 
bug triage like me. We might expect few more stories at 
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GlobalBugJam/Stories. If you still don't have a 
clue on what am talking about, check out 

Some thoughts about the GBJ.in, my two paisas?

1. Members who have already been doing bug triage should come forward 
and lead the GBJ.in
2, Try to form local groups in your city. We would be happy if each 
group contains 4/5 members.
3. We will try to use a gobby server running somewhere to collaborate 
and have a wiki like page running up which can be used to share 
information and tips
4. The #ubuntu-in channel will be used as the primary channel of 
communication between the teams
5. We will soon have an introductory session in the ubuntu-in channel, 
with additional trial bug jams over the weekend. This will help people 
get used to and understand the bug cycle and bug triage work flow. We 
will be handling live bugs and sure we do not want to mess up ;)
6. A few members will be available at specific times so that when you 
have any doubt you can jump in and get it clarified.
7. Try to get in as many people as possible, even a few hours of 
contribution will be awesome. If you do not have any one from your city, 
please feel free to join me at #ubuntu-in.
8. Try to spread the word - blog, twitter, your web site, IM, mail 
footer and what not. We, the GBJ team, are also planning to get some 
digital banners and countdown banners getting done soon.
9. I will soon send a list of useful links which people can refer during 
their dug hunt endeavor. I will also try to make a set of blogposts on 
bug triage and how to go with it.
10. It would be great if we could zero in to a few favorite packages 
that we might concentrate on during the bug jam. This will help us 
understand more about bugs on a package type as well as improve packages 
as much as we can, instead of working on some random bugs.

Seriously people, Bug Triage is fun and when you get hold of it you will 
love this mode of contribution. There is always a bug to be triaged and 
there lies your appetite. And there are lotsa people to help you get 
started. You need not make patches, but improving a bug by getting more 
info, assigning to the right package, finding duplicates, relating to 
upstream bugs and reproducing/confirming bugs will be great too :)

If you are ready to host a group at your place, feed them some snacks 
and juice (beer is awesome) and spare them some internet access, then 
please contact me off list. I need to consolidate and publish a list of 
venues ASAP.  Thanks in advance. :)

Feel free to throw your ideas, comments and criticisms by mailing them 
to the list. We hope to have a great bug day (Holbach is planning for a 
Guinness Record too ;) )

With Regards,

Parthan "technofreak"
<gpg>  2FF01026
<blog> http://blog.technofreak.in

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