[ubuntu-in] ubuntu India website redesign

Vivek Khurana hiddenharmony at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 03:42:54 BST 2007

On 10/17/07, Lut4rp <lut4rp at techjugaad.com> wrote:
> IMHO we do require an overhaul, but since I have been personally
> attached to Drupal for quite some time, I suggested it. And yes, there
> is no point denying that starting up a Drupal site is a little
> time-consuming, but then its same for every solution.
> If required I can setup a demo Drupal installation on my server, where
> we might try out a new-look Ubuntu India. What do you say?

 Server space is not taht much of a problem and there are several guys
on the mailing list who are well versed with drupal. I personally
would prefer a drupal based solution than a wiki based solution for a
simple reason, my experience says if you apply patches to drupal site
and adhere to drupal.org warning maintaining a drupal powered site is
a breeze. Where as wiki has more cleanup work required because there
is little control you can excercise over content going into wiki.
Also, with  workflow setup properly you can havea powerful
collaborative content development in place.

The hidden harmony is better than the obvious!!

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