[ubuntu-in] My Saga of upgrading Dapper to Edgy
RajaSekhar Yeruva
ysrajasekharreddy at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 30 07:23:03 GMT 2006
Hello People,
Let me share my experiences upgrading to edgy from
dapper. I started off with downloading alternative
install cd. After 24 hrs of downloading with around
six disconnections with my stupid 128 Kbps internet
connection. I somehow managed to complete the
download. Later I burnt image to CD. To my horror I
found Checksum mismatch. I thought I will take chances
and tried updating using cd rom upgrade option. After
caching 80% of the files it gave me error. I think
this is due to broken download. Now I dont want to re
download it again. I copied all the .deb present in
the CD to /var/cache/apt/archies/ folder. By default
all are read-only, So, I gave 777 permissions to all
the debs in the directory. (Not sure if its the
correct thing to do But my R&D shows this method
actually works). Now I edited to /etc/apt/sources.lst
to replace all instances of dapper with edgy and
saved. Then Typed in the following command as per
official guide sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get
dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.
Two instances of dist upgrade is required for upstart
to install. Now I crossed my fingers and rebooted the
system to discover that my x server crashed. That
system was having a via graphics chip. After little
googling with txt browser elinks I managed to find the
fix. I just did sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg .
One its done I rebooted again. I could have simply
typed startx command. But Just to make sure I rebooted
and every thing seemed to work fine.. All my old
programs updated with our any issues. So that system
is up and running. Now its time to upgrade my friends
system. This time I took the .deb files from
/var/cache/apt/archies/ folder of already installed
system and repeated the process. This time it even got
better. No X server issues also, This one was using
Intel graphics chip. Finally time to update my NVIDIA
graphics card system. I repeated the same process.
This time it had to download some Nvidia-glx and some
machine specific files and upgrade went very smoothly.
No issues once I rebooted. It even enabled Graphics
acceleration which I enabled in dapper version.
1. Best way to upgrade is to do a fresh install.
2. Use Bit torrent instead of download managers for
better load balancing as well it will take care of
checksum errors. And download the chunk that is
corrupted due to network/ power outage.
3. Dont be afraid of recent posts about horrors of
upgrading. Be little adventurous.
4. Many people say backup your important personal
files. I dont see a reason to do it. At the most it
will only screw up the x server or some device error.
There is no way t can wipe out your hard disk. So, It
is safe you continue with out backing up. Worst case
you have to take out your disk and connect to some
other running system and copy the files.
5. Is the Edgy is so bleeding edgy... I dont think
6. Observed little performance and GUI especially text
display issues with Edgy.
1. Plan a weekend to do upgrade.
2. Dont panic its after all a computer. It is almost
impossible to screw it up unless you intend to drop it
from your balcony.
3. Please refrain from upgrade using dialup
connection. (I have been trying from 2 days)
4. Have patience.
Happy *bunting
--- ubuntu-in-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
<b.ghose at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Monday 30 October 2006 02:12 AM, balvinder singh
cobbled together
> some glyphs to say:
> Balvinder,
> > sir i have managed to get the
lan card working now...i
> > simply switched over to a d link lan card costed
around 300 box but it
> > was worth it..was detected by ubuntu straight
away...yar by the way i
> > must tell u tht right now i happen to be using
redat es version..but i
> > got the earlier version of ubuntu i think tht was
5.16 from a magazine
> > cd but could not boot with it??i have tried both
the isolinux file ..i
> > tried to put this file in boot of a cd but alas!!
it does not
> > boot..would iy make any difference if i already
have a dual boot
> > system...do u think tht the cd was not being
detected cause i had dual
> > boot or would tht not make any difference,,???
> You don't need any special Isolinux file to boot
from a bootable CD. It
> should just boot. May be your CD is broken or you
forgot to set the boot
> device priority to the CD. Having a dual boot system
makes to difference
> to booting from a bootable CD. And I think you have
5.10 (there was
> nothing called Ubuntu version 5.16). I guess you can
ask somebody who
> lives close to you to give you a Ubuntu 6.06 CD.
> http://ubuntu-in.org/wiki/CDRequest and see if there
is anybody with
> Ubuntu CDs close to where you live. Else you can
always download a copy
> from http://ubuntu.com/download/ or order a CD free
of charge from
> http://shipit.ubuntu.com/
> > Do let me know if there are some
other ways tht we
> > have to burn the cd to make it bootable..and one
last thing..do we have
> > an option of defragmentation in ubuntu..by any
means.??and i have joined
> > the community but dont know how to log into
it..cause the link tht u
> > sent me only shows from where we can create a
login id..but thts now
> > done,,,now where do i login from?please help..
> When you get the CD image, just burn it as a image
and not a file. Else
> it will not work. I don't know how to do that on
Windows(TM) as I don't
> use that. There is no need or facility for
de-fragmentation on Ubuntu as
> the file-systems used by the Linux kernel are
journalling file systems
> and they rarely have fragmentation that's not fixed
automatically (say
> around 2% in 12 years). Well, the link I sent you
was for joining our
> mailing list. The instructions on the page clearly
say that ``To post a
> message to all the list members, send email to
> ubuntu-in at lists.ubuntu.com.'', and that's all you
need to do. So next
> time instead of mailing me personally, send an email
> ubuntu-in at lists.ubuntu.com provided you have joined
> Regards,
> BG
> - --
> Baishampayan Ghose <b.ghose at ubuntu.com>
> Ubuntu -- Linux for Human Beings
> http://www.ubuntu.com/
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