[ubuntu-in] newbie in linux..

Baishampayan Ghose b.ghose at ubuntu.com
Mon Oct 30 05:43:52 GMT 2006

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On Monday 30 October 2006 02:12 AM, balvinder singh cobbled together
some glyphs to say:
>                   sir i have managed to get the lan card working now...i
> simply switched over to a d link lan card costed around 300 box but it
> was worth it..was detected by ubuntu straight away...yar by the way i
> must tell u tht right now i happen to be using redat es version..but i
> got  the earlier version of ubuntu i think tht was 5.16 from a magazine
> cd but could not boot with it??i have tried both the isolinux file ..i
> tried to put this file in boot of a cd but alas!! it does not
> boot..would iy make any difference if i already have a dual boot
> system...do u think tht the cd was not being detected cause i had dual
> boot or would tht not make any difference,,???

You don't need any special Isolinux file to boot from a bootable CD. It
should just boot. May be your CD is broken or you forgot to set the boot
device priority to the CD. Having a dual boot system makes to difference
to booting from a bootable CD. And I think you have 5.10 (there was
nothing called Ubuntu version 5.16). I guess you can ask somebody who
lives close to you to give you a Ubuntu 6.06 CD. Check
http://ubuntu-in.org/wiki/CDRequest and see if there is anybody with
Ubuntu CDs close to where you live. Else you can always download a copy
from http://ubuntu.com/download/ or order a CD free of charge from

>                   Do let me know if there are some other ways tht we
> have to burn the cd to make it bootable..and one last thing..do we have
> an option of defragmentation in ubuntu..by any means.??and i have joined
> the community but dont know how to log into it..cause the link tht u
> sent me only shows from where we can create a login id..but thts now
> done,,,now where do i login from?please help..

When you get the CD image, just burn it as a image and not a file. Else
it will not work. I don't know how to do that on Windows(TM) as I don't
use that. There is no need or facility for de-fragmentation on Ubuntu as
the file-systems used by the Linux kernel are journalling file systems
and they rarely have fragmentation that's not fixed automatically (say
around 2% in 12 years). Well, the link I sent you was for joining our
mailing list. The instructions on the page clearly say that ``To post a
message to all the list members, send email to
ubuntu-in at lists.ubuntu.com.'', and that's all you need to do. So next
time instead of mailing me personally, send an email to
ubuntu-in at lists.ubuntu.com provided you have joined already.


- --
Baishampayan Ghose <b.ghose at ubuntu.com>
Ubuntu -- Linux for Human Beings

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