Suggestions on reviving the Irish loco team

Mike O'Donohue airurando at
Sun Jan 6 21:42:34 UTC 2013

On 07/12/12 21:59, barry b wrote:
> Hey folks.
> This is my first time writing in to the mailing list. However i 
> usually read or at least scan every email that comes in. In the last 
> year, i've notices the laps in emails, due to inactivity.
> Over the last few months there was a lot of talk and a lack of talk 
> about the state of the Irish loco team in the last year. As Somebody 
> mentioned in an earlier mailing list post the reapproval date is this 
> year, (To be specific it is the 30/6/2013.) and that maybe it would be 
> in the best to let it pass. I can see where he/she (can't remember who 
> it was ) is coming from but it think that this would be putting a nail 
> in the coffin of the team.
> There is several suggestions which i think we should try out before 
> making a decision whether or to reapply or not to reapply for approved 
> local team status in June of next year.
> Here are some of my suggestions.
> 1) Local promotions.- Every Friday System 76 give free stickers. If 
> you live outside the US of A , you are suppose to contact your 
> localloco team and they give there list here of what team take part 
> ( The person who wants 
> the stickers is asked to send a stampaddressed envelope to the loco 
> team. However as the Irish team donottake part in this , this free 
> serviceis unavailable. I would like if the admin(s) could discuss 
> arranging a few stickers to be sent over to the team.
> 2) I think Publicity is important for ubuntu and this loco team . I 
> would suggest that outing, gatherings, news ect should be posted on 
> the site http://www.boards.ieas people might not know or even hear of 
> the mailinglists.Get a thread going and ask an admin to get it made as 
> a sticky.
> 3) Idon't know wheather many people play PC games here, but i'm Sure 
> you heard of linux gamers complaining. Wellif there is a large group 
> of gamers here it might be worth setting up an Irish linux group on 
> steam ,as valve have announced a steam client for linux and is it 
> currentlyin beta. Just another thought.
> 4) Restart the irc chats , but experiments withdifferent time slots 
> and maybe shorter one. ie 30 minutes every month ,instead of 
> dedicating an hour and having nobody show.Just an experiment to try out.
> Barry.
Hi Barry,

Sincere thanks for joining the discussion and adding to the efforts to 
rekindle interest in the Irish Ubuntu LoCo Team. I was the one who 
raised the question about the state of the Irish LoCo in 2012. The lack 
of responses to your great e-mail (including the delay in my response) 
only adds to my belief that although there is general goodwill towards 
keeping the LoCo active there is limited passion for the task.  I was 
heavily involved in writing the re-approval application in 2011 and I am 
still of the opinion that a re-approval application in 2013 would not be 
legitimate based on our LoCos activity since summer 2011.

Taking your points in turn I'd like to give my views.  These are just my 
views and are no more or less valid than your own or anyone else's.

1) Local Promotions. Regarding the System 76 powered by Ubuntu promotion 
stickers.  Have a look at: . A 
member of our LoCo had a bunch of these stickers and the promotional 
impact of these was limited. If you, or anyone else can build on this 
idea or has other promotional ideas please give voice to them and act on 

2) I fully agree with you idea about advertising LoCo events on a 
broader base including, but not limited to, Does 
anyone have  experience with or other relevant promotional 
streams? For this to even come into play though we would need to restart 
Irish LoCo events (something which I sincerely hope we do).  Anyone with 
promotional/marketing experience/ideas please chip in!

3) As you said, Ubuntu linux gaming is exciting and real.  I am 
personally too old for this! Any ideas on how we can build on Ubuntu 
linux gaming to enhance LoCo activity?

4) I fully agree with the idea of restarting the IRC meetings.  In my 
opinion (I know this is disputed) these are the lifeblood of a LoCo. 
When our team IRC meetings finally stalled in July 2012 our already 
faltering team finally went into dormancy.  Let's restart them! I am 
totally flexible with frequency and length.

Can I be bold and call for an Irish LoCo Team REBOOT IRC meeting in our 
IRC channel on Wednesday 06 Feb 12 at say 20:30?  What are LoCo members 
thoughts on this?  This is so important to me that I will send a 
separate post to the mailing list on this.

I again thank you Barry for voicing your opinions and I passionately 
encourage you and all other interested members to take a more active, 
central, role in our LoCos activities.

Our LoCo is, I believe, a do-ocracy!

Kind Regards and Happy New Year to All!

Mike O'Donohue

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