Reminder: Ubuntu Ireland LoCo Team Reboot Meeting on Wednesday!
Jeffrey Roe
tdr112 at
Wed Feb 6 12:22:53 UTC 2013
Hello all,
Sorry to hear about your leg Mike.
I will be along to the meeting, looking forward to hear what people think.
Jeffrey Roe,
On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 11:21 AM, Mike O'Donohue <airurando at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am still in hospital so I definately cannot make it to the Ubuntuie LoCo
> reboot meeting this evening. I am disappointed about this. I still very
> much hope it will be a very productive meeting with decisions bei g made
> that will see our LoCo prosper for years to come. Having briefly chatted
> Laura Czajkowski on irc yesterday I believe she will be actively steering
> the meeting. It is great that we will have Laura's wisdom for the meeting
> and I thank her for helping out yet again. When last I looked at the agenda
> it was lacking discussion topics. I think the following should be
> discussed.
> Who is interested in keeping the LoCo active
> Who wants to participate
> What will we do (I was going to suggest small steps with a focus on fewer
> events than before organised and advertised better with a lot of advanced
> warning.
> Plenty of other stuff to discuss also. Have a great meeting.
> Mike
> Sent from Samsung Mobile
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Mike O'Donohue <airurando at>
> Date:
> To: ubuntu-ie at
> Subject: Reminder: Ubuntu Ireland LoCo Team Reboot Meeting on Wednesday!
> Hi Everyone,
> A friendly reminder....
> Our LoCo Team Reboot IRC meeting will take place this Wednesday (06 Feb 13)
> at 20:30 local time. I sincerely hope we will have a good active discussion
> about how we can keep our LoCo active into the future. All ideas and
> suggestions are welcome. If you are interested in Ubuntu and the Ubuntu
> Ireland LoCo Team I encourage you to participate in this meeting. You can
> contribute as much or as little as you like but please do get involved.
> I’d also ask you all to spread the news of this reboot meeting as widely as
> possible in all social media streams. If you know someone who might be
> interested but who is not subscribed to this mailing list please tell them
> about the meeting.
> Details of the meeting can be found at:
> Anyone can add an agenda item. If you’d like to add an agenda item just log
> on to the LoCo Team Portal yourself or reply to this mail and I will add it
> for you.
> Kind Regards,
> Mike O'Donohue
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