[U-HN] Revised Schedule and Booklet
Elvira Martínez
elvira.martinez38 en gmail.com
Jue Feb 11 19:09:22 GMT 2010
Dear Presenters and Attendees,
THIS IS IT!!! After many changes and revisions, we hope we were able to
accommodate everyone,
Please read the booklet carefully and choose specific workshops you would
like to attend.
Again I am attaching the pre conference Information, since many schools
haven’t signed up for it yet.
The pre conference is FREE, the ABSH and EIS are sponsoring this conference.
See you soon,
Denise Cerrato
Escuela Internacional Sampedrana
Early Childhood Center
Asssiatnt Principal
Tel: 566-2722 ext. 1154
email: dcerrato en seishn.com
Programa para el T3 Conference de la Internacional revisado. Por favor
revisen este.
Elvira Martínez
<dcerrato en seishn.com>https://wiki.ubuntu.com/tatica1
<dcerrato en seishn.com>
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