[U-HN] Revised Schedule and Booklet
Elvira Martínez
elvira.martinez38 en gmail.com
Jue Feb 11 19:07:12 GMT 2010
> Dear Presenters and Attendees,
> THIS IS IT!!! After many changes and revisions, we hope we were able to
> accommodate everyone,
> Please read the booklet carefully and choose specific workshops you would
> like to attend.
> Again I am attaching the pre conference Information, since many schools
> haven’t signed up for it yet.
> The pre conference is FREE, the ABSH and EIS are sponsoring this
> conference.
> See you soon,
> Denise Cerrato
> Escuela Internacional Sampedrana
> Early Childhood Center
> Asssiatnt Principal
> Tel: 566-2722 ext. 1154
> email: dcerrato en seishn.com
Programa para el T3 Conference de la Internacional revisado. Por favor
revisen este.
Elvira Martínez
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