[ubuntu-hardened] Re: Ubuntu Hardened volunteers recruitment

Don Scorgie DonScorgie at Blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Apr 18 04:48:09 CDT 2005


I'd be interested in helping out on Ubuntu Hardened.  Unfortunately, I
haven't done much of this type of thing before, but if you can tolerate
some hand-holding to get me started, I'm generally a quite quick
learner ;)


On Mon, 2005-04-18 at 00:03 +0200, Lorenzo Hernández García-Hierro
> Hi,
> The intention of this announcement is to advice on the "recruitment"
> being done by the Ubuntu Hardened team.
> Even if anyone can contribute, a formal developers team is needed, and
> we are currently a few people, but during the last weeks I've found that
> the work needs to be organized and done by more people, as we can't
> handle all the stuff: upstream work (at least for me), testing,
> packaging while doing minimal changes, bug reporting, activities
> tracking, wiki pages maintenance... etc.
> Thus, we are looking for people interested in being part of the
> development team, with wishes of learning, having fun, working within
> the team and contributing to a wonderful project, that is, Ubuntu Linux.
> We are not looking for people with special skills, the will of learning
> is the most important one, but these would be much appreciated:
> 	- Debian packaging skills.
> 	- toolchain-related skills.
> 	- experience working with SELinux
> 		- policy development and/or maintenance.
> If you think you have something to contribute with or you just want to
> know the experience of working with people with common goals, ideas and
> wishes of learning and contributing to Ubuntu Linux (and also Debian in
> the long term), don't hesitate and drop us a line.
> Cheers,

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