[Update your systems] Important kernel update

Alfredo Hernández aldomann.designs at gmail.com
Sat May 7 16:47:06 UTC 2016

As you may have already seen in our social media channels, Canonical
published a new security notice to inform the community about the
availability of an important kernel update for the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial
Xerus) operating system that patched 15 vulnerabilities.

*If you are using Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 LTS, you should update your system as
soon as possible*. If you're not offered the dialogue about updates, click
on *Activities* and type in updates in the search bar that will appear.
Then select *Software Updater* and follow the prompts. You will need to
reboot after this update.

More info in the Ubuntu Security Notice:
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