Upgrade to 14.10 and ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging problem

Tim darkxst at fastmail.fm
Thu Nov 6 21:53:59 UTC 2014

On 06/11/14 18:36, Marius Gedminas wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 05, 2014 at 10:06:54PM +0000, Ben wrote:
>> Following the advice found here:
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/GetUbuntuGNOME#Upgrading_Ubuntu_GNOME
>> I ran "sudo ppa-purge ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging" before upgrading
>> (from 14.04) and I got a very long list of rather scary sounding
>> suggestions.
> Yes, I've experienced that as well.  I'll tell you how it went for me
> (spoilers: the upgrade was successful):
> 1)  sudo ppa-purge ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging
> This wanted to remove essential GNOME packages like gnome-shell and gdm.
> I let it, thinking I can reinstall them later.
ppa-purge can't handle soname bumps, in the case of trusty that is likely
libmutter0d, libgnome-desktop-3-8 and possibly a few others, will just get removed
rather than downgraded. Then aptitude comes along and removes all rdepends on these
> 2)  sudo apt install ubuntu-gnome-desktop
> This should've reinstalled all the essential packages from the main
> archive.  Unfortunately it failed.  It was difficult to figure out why,
> but eventually I found out that ppa-purge failed to remove some staging
> packages!
> 3)  sudo apt install apt-show-versions
>     apt-show-versions | grep 'newer than'
> This lists all the remaining PPA packages that are newer than the ones
> in the main archive.  For me they were mutter-common and evolution-common.
> 4)  sudo apt remove mutter-common evolution-common
> 5)  sudo apt install ubuntu-gnome-desktop
> This reinstalled all the packages unnecessarily removed in step 1.  It
> also asked me about the display manager I wanted to use (gdm or
> lightdm), I chose gdm.
that should be:

sudo apt install ubuntu-gnome-desktop^

the ^ makes apt use a task, which is required to get the correct set of dependencies
> 5)  apt-show-versions | grep -v uptodate
> This shows all packages that aren't exactly matching the latest version
> in the main archive.  I had a bunch of them pointing to trusty rather
> than trusty-updates; I think that's a bug in ppa-purge in that it
> downgrades a bit too much.
This seems odd, ppa-purge reads the package lists from the local apt cache, in fact ppa-purge
does not even know about the versions of packages. So it should
pick up the trusty-updates versions automatically.
It is just running apt-get or aptitude (which is the fallback in cases where apt-get fails), apt-get is quite picky
and will fail if the revert list is not 100% correct, aptitude no the other hand does all sorts of funky guesswork, so my
guess is that bug is actually in the aptitude dependency resolver.
> This also shows packages installed locally that have no corresponding
> versions in Ubuntu archives, such as Google Chrome.  Ignore those.
> 6)  sudo apt upgrade
> This upgraded all the downgraded-too-much packages to their latest
> versions from main archive updates
> 7)  update-manager or do-release-upgrade
> Update Manager refused to do an upgrade before I rebooted for some
> reason, so I did my upgrade on the console with do-release-upgrade.  (I
> was impatient).
> 8)  rebooted
> 9)  sudo apt update
> 10)  apt-show-versions | grep -v uptodate
> Just to make sure everything's now correctly upgraded to uptopic.
> Surprise!  Chromium-browser from 14.04 security updates is newer than
> the one in 14.10 (see also bug 1386455).  Next surprise: gnome-terminal
> is a PPA package!  Oh, that's because I forgot to ppa-purge the main
> PPA.  Then there were some libraries (also from PPA) that weren't
> present in the main archive, so I removed them.
> And then I added the PPAs back and upgraded to GNOME 3.14, which was a
> fun story full of segfaults and debugging.
> Hope that helps!
> I'll also reply inline to some of your concerns:
>> I've pasted the output below.  It include some errors that
>> I don't understand as well.  I am not sure if should accept this rather
>> major set of recommendations of I should try to fix whatever seems to be
>> wrong with my installation.  Any guidance would be much appreciated.
>> Updating packages lists
>> PPA to be removed: gnome3-team gnome3-staging
>> Package revert list generated:
> ...
>> Disabling gnome3-team PPA from 
>> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gnome3-team-gnome3-staging-trusty.list
>> Updating packages lists
>> Reading package lists... Done
>> Building dependency tree       
>> Reading state information... Done
>> E: Release ‘trusty’ for ‘gir1.2-tracker-1.0’ was not found
>> E: Release ‘trusty’ for ‘libcamel-1.2-49’ was not found
> ...
>> Unable to find an archive "trusty" for the package "gir1.2-tracker-1.0"
>> Unable to find an archive "trusty" for the package "libcamel-1.2-49"
> ...
> These errors are harmless.  Those packages exist only in the PPA but not in the
> main archive.  They should be removed by ppa-purge.
>> The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:
>>   account-plugin-aim account-plugin-jabber account-plugin-salut 
> ...
>> The following NEW packages will be installed:
>>   evolution-indicator{a} libcamel-1.2-45{a} libmutter0c{ab} 
>>   nautilus-sendto-empathy{a} 
>> The following packages will be REMOVED:
>>   gir1.2-tracker-1.0{u} libgeocode-glib0{u} libgfbgraph-0.2-0{u} 
>>   libgnome-desktop-3-10{u} libmutter0d{u} libtracker-control-1.0-0{u} 
>>   libtracker-miner-1.0-0{u} libtracker-sparql-1.0-0{u} xbrlapi{u} 
> and they are.
>> 0 packages upgraded, 4 newly installed, 231 downgraded, 9 to remove and 37 not upgraded.
>> Need to get 110 MB of archives. After unpacking 275 MB will be freed.
>> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
>>  tracker : Depends: libtracker-miner-0.16-0 (= 0.16.4-0ubuntu1~trusty4) but 0.16.5-0ubuntu0.1 is installed.
>>            Depends: libtracker-sparql-0.16-0 (= 0.16.4-0ubuntu1~trusty4) but 0.16.5-0ubuntu0.1 is installed.
>>  tracker-gui : Depends: libtracker-sparql-0.16-0 (= 0.16.4-0ubuntu1~trusty4) but 0.16.5-0ubuntu0.1 is installed.
>>  tracker-extract : Depends: libtracker-extract-0.16-0 (= 0.16.4-0ubuntu1~trusty4) but 0.16.5-0ubuntu0.1 is installed.
>>                    Depends: libtracker-miner-0.16-0 (= 0.16.4-0ubuntu1~trusty4) but 0.16.5-0ubuntu0.1 is installed.
>>                    Depends: libtracker-sparql-0.16-0 (= 0.16.4-0ubuntu1~trusty4) but 0.16.5-0ubuntu0.1 is installed.
>>  evolution-data-server-online-accounts : Depends: libcamel-1.2-45 (= 3.10.4-0ubuntu1) but 3.10.4-0ubuntu1.5 is to be installed.
>>  tracker-utils : Depends: libtracker-sparql-0.16-0 (= 0.16.4-0ubuntu1~trusty4) but 0.16.5-0ubuntu0.1 is installed.
>>  tracker-miner-fs : Depends: libtracker-extract-0.16-0 (= 0.16.4-0ubuntu1~trusty4) but 0.16.5-0ubuntu0.1 is installed.
>>                     Depends: libtracker-miner-0.16-0 (= 0.16.4-0ubuntu1~trusty4) but 0.16.5-0ubuntu0.1 is installed.
>>                     Depends: libtracker-sparql-0.16-0 (= 0.16.4-0ubuntu1~trusty4) but 0.16.5-0ubuntu0.1 is installed.
>>  evolution-data-server : Depends: libcamel-1.2-45 (= 3.10.4-0ubuntu1) but 3.10.4-0ubuntu1.5 is to be installed.
>>  libmutter0c : Depends: mutter-common (= 3.10.4-0ubuntu2.1) but 3.10.4-0ubuntu2 is to be installed.
>> The following actions will resolve these dependencies:
>>       Remove the following packages:                       
>> 1)      evolution                                          
>> 2)      evolution-data-server                              
>> 3)      evolution-data-server-online-accounts              
>> 4)      evolution-plugins                                  
>> 5)      gdm                                                
> And there it goes again, removing gdm.  *sigh*
>> 6)      gir1.2-mutter-3.0                                  
>> 7)      gnome-contacts                                     
>> 8)      gnome-documents                                    
>> 9)      gnome-shell                                        
>> 10)     gnome-shell-extensions                             
>> 11)     libfolks-eds25                                     
>> 12)     mutter                                             
>> 13)     tracker                                            
>> 14)     tracker-extract                                    
>> 15)     tracker-gui                                        
>> 16)     tracker-miner-fs                                   
>> 17)     tracker-utils                                      
>>       Keep the following packages at their current version:
>> 18)     evolution-indicator [Not Installed]                
>> 19)     libmutter0c [Not Installed]                        
>>       Leave the following dependencies unresolved:         
>> 20)     evolution-common recommends evolution              
>> 21)     indicator-datetime recommends evolution-data-server
>> 22)     libfolks25 recommends libfolks-eds25               
>> 23)     empathy recommends gnome-contacts                  
>> 24)     libupower-glib3 recommends upower (> 0.99)         
>> 25)     libupower-glib2 recommends upower (> 0.99)         
> BTW ppa-purge uses aptitude.  I hate aptitude precisely for this reason:
> it asks the user questions like this.  Who can understand it?
> Anyway, it sounds like what happened to me, and that story ended
> successfully.
> Regards,
> Marius Gedminas

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