Fwd: Kickstarting growth for quality
Ali Linx (amjjawad)
amjjawad at gmail.com
Mon Sep 9 18:19:14 UTC 2013
Hello Ubuntu GNOME fans :)
Just to keep everyone posted about some other activities off this list,
below is a discussion on the Ubuntu QA Mailing List.
On the last vUDS, myself and Nicholas Skaggs (Ubuntu QA Community
Coordinator) have discussed some topics about testing in general and one of
these topics was about the lack of actual dedicated testers among our
communities in general (Ubuntu Flavours) and how to get more. There ware
some suggestions from my side and Nicholas added some, etc and we agreed to
come up with a plan so that we can move forward and get more testers (that
was one important side of the session and there is actually another side
but will talk about it later).
The below email is the first step of that plan :)
Simply, from each flavours, there will be one or two members who will team
up in a group (recruiting group) and this group will be dedicated to find
more testers for the whole community. It is a great move that we do hope to
get started and achieve what we aim to.
So, don't be surprised if I will a pain in your neck from now and on,
nagging all the way about having more testers and join, etc etc :D
Remember, and I write this from experience, without 'Testers', there is NO
system, no matter how powerful and smart developers or any other members a
project may have. Without TESTING that code, it would be totally pointless
even if it is the best code in the world.
Testers play a very important and major role on the Software World.
Unlike what some may think, it is FUN. It is a huge opportunity to learn A
LOT. It is an easy way to make new friends. It is a great chance to
talk/chat with the developers and those who are behind the system that you
are using. I can list lots of amazing stuff about testing but as I do
believe that "Action Speak Louder Than Words", my words may be less helpful
if you will not TRY that yourself :)
By the way, it is ironic that if you have never ever done any testing
before, that will make you the best and the perfect candidate as a tester :)
Surprised? I was too 3 years old when someone from LXDE Team told me this.
I wasn't sure what exactly he was talking about or trying to prove so it
was just a matter of time until I rolled up my sleeves and started to dive
deep and deep inside testing for 2 years now :)
Yes, I have to admit, I do love testing new stuff since I was a kid. And,
that hobby developed until I got my BSc in Computer Since and until I
joined Linux Communities and until I became the QA Lead of Ubuntu GNOME.
Did I ever know that could even happen? NOT even in my dreams. You know
why? because I just did what I loved and believed in, and it just came
naturally :)
Oh, I wrote too much, sorry :P
It is obvious I am so in love with testing (24/7/365) so, you are lucky
that among you, there is someone so obsessed about it ;)
If you need any more information about our project, let me know and if you
still did not see this:
and of course, if you have social network account(s):
One last thing: Please, always remember: ALL of us are smarter than anyone
of us. And, Ubuntu Philosophy is, indeed, depend on that :) it is about all
of us and how we communicate and work together for the greater good.
Please, see the below forwarded message!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ali Linx (amjjawad) <amjjawad at gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Sep 7, 2013 at 12:49 AM
Subject: Re: Kickstarting growth for quality
To: Nicholas Skaggs <nicholas.skaggs at canonical.com>
Cc: "ubuntu-quality at lists.ubuntu.com" <ubuntu-quality at lists.ubuntu.com>
Hello Nicholas,
On Sat, Sep 7, 2013 at 12:20 AM, Nicholas Skaggs <
nicholas.skaggs at canonical.com> wrote:
> As part of the last vUDS, we held a session on Quality efforts in the
> flavor world. The largest source of feedback was that more people are
> needed to help with testing.
I was waiting this email with open excited eyes :D
Indeed, we had a good discussion [1] and indeed, QA Teams in general lack
testers. Some Flavors have even less tahn 5 regular testers and this is not
helpful when things get too serious.
> Armed with this feedback, we decided to put together a core group of
> folks who would be interested in promoting quality efforts across all
> flavors. Sound interesting?
Thank you for that, this was needed so badly.
If I may, I'd like to step in and be the driver for this core group with
you of course and anyone else who would like to join is more than welcome.
I have long experience with recruiting (testers, users, supporters, etc)
and I can help a lot. In fact, that is one part of my daily activities
anyway :)
> I'd like to request for volunteers who would be interested in meeting and
> brainstorming ideas to help increase our outreach as a community.
Yes, we do need people to join this core group and help to recruit more
> This would be a small working group of people who are interested and can
> dedicate themselves to put some ideas into action over the last couple
> months of the cycle. An idea needs people behind it in order to succeed,
> and that's the goal of this group.
Totally agree.
If I may propose, I'd suggest to have one member or two members from each
official flavor (Lubuntu, Ubuntu GNOME, Xubutnu, Kubuntu, etc) to join this
small group. It is about quality not quantity so no need to so many people,
just few active dedicated people who will work together as one group/team
to recruit more testers.
> That said, you don't have to join a special group to help grow our
> community!
> Ubuntu Global Jam is coming up and I would encourage everyone to
> participate locally or remotely with others, and to incorporate testing as
> part of there jamming.
Seems like a good plan :)
> Social networks and other communities you participate in are also great
> sources to share about what's going on and invite others to join you in our
> quality efforts.
Oh yes, leave that to me ;)
> Thanks everyone!
> Nicholas
Thank you so much, Nicholas for your email :)
[1] - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nQxoEhRgj8
Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."*
*Best Regards,
My Projects: IamNewToLinux <http://iamnewtolinux.blogspot.com/> - StartUbuntu
- Linux Brainstorming <https://www.facebook.com/groups/352004991569676/> -
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