Thanks for Ubuntu-GNOME

. dcMhOYBdpZkH at
Wed May 1 12:33:40 UTC 2013

When I tried to upgrade to 3.8 to test its new Classic Mode it failed
after a reboot with an empty screen. Fortunetaly it was in VirtualBox.
Now I'm running 3.6 with its Classic Mode
    * sudo apt-get install *gnome-session-fallback* vlc pidgin gajim
synaptic thunderbird pidgin-otr ghex
    * sudo apt-get purge empathy evolution evolution-common rhythmbox

On 01.05.2013 13:27, Fran Dieguez wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd like to give thanks to all the people that made possible to get
> Ubuntu-GNOME, with the latest GNOME 3.8, running in my computer.
> After a month working with it in my working computer, reporting bugs
> and trying to polish small details, I really enjoy working with
> Ubuntu-GNOME. It is mostly stable and I highly suggest to use the 3.8
> version to get the full experience of GNOME-Shell.
> There is only one think that fails from time to time. I don't know why
> but Empathy randomly closes the GTalk and Facebook connection and
> after some seconds establishes it back. This doesn't happens all the
> times since in some occasions I have to restart Empathy to get some
> accounts to work.
> Nevertheless, I think that this is an issue between GNOME Online
> Accounts, Ubuntu Online Accounts and Empathy.
> Regards

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