Ubuntu User Magazine article - Education corner

Belinda Lopez belinda.lopez at canonical.com
Mon Mar 1 14:07:52 GMT 2010


If you haven't seen the new Ubuntu User magazine it's great!  I met the
editor of the magazine at the SCALE conference last week and talked to
her about doing a few articles spotlighting education.  In one I would
like to highlight some of the teachers using Ubuntu in the classroom. 
Is there anyone I can interview to get more info on what is working for
educators?  and what is not working?  what resources/applications you
would like to see in upcoming releases?

Please send me an email with your contact info so I can coordinate the
interview with you.


Belinda Lopez (dinda)

Training Project Manager
belinda.lopez at canonical.com
Mobile Phone: 832-741-6745
Home Office: 409-497-4346
IRC: dinda
Office: Galveston, Texas
Ubuntu - Linux for Human Beings
http://www.ubuntu.com		http://www.canonical.com

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