Help Needed in Marketing, Maldives Open Source Society

Matt Burkhardt mlb at
Wed Jun 17 22:14:44 BST 2009

Looks good.  You might want to cite a study from BECTA 

The total cost of ownership (hardware + software + trainng + maintenance
costs) dropped anywhere from 20% to 75%.  A 50% drop means you can
double the number of computers for the exact same cost.

Good luck!

On Wed, 2009-06-17 at 16:12 +0500, Yusuf Abdulla Shunan wrote:
> Hi
> I am writing on behalf of a small group in the Maldives who are
> actively promoting FLOSS. Maldives Linux Users Group (MLUG) aka
> Maldives Open Source Society (MOSS).
> We have been invited by the Government of Maldives (GOM) to give a
> presentation to the Policy Makers on the Use, Benefits and Ideas of
> FLOSS, after a long struggle. So we would like to give our best effort
> in this and invite anyone interested in commenting and suggesting.
> Find attached the current presentation layout. And if you have the
> time and interest would appreciate if you visit our mailing list and
> contribute any of your ideas and/or point us in the right direction.
> The meeting is set to next Monday, 22 June.
> Mailing List in Google Groups (we are small so appreciate if you can
> bare with us!) :)
> -- 
> Warm Regards,
> Yusuf Abdulla Shunan
> shunan at

Matt Burkhardt, M.Sci. Technology Management
mlb at
(301) 682-7901
502 Fairview Avenue
Frederick, MD  21701 

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