Help Needed in Marketing, Maldives Open Source Society

Guru गुरु guru at
Thu Jun 18 00:06:27 BST 2009

Dear Yusuf

we have similar efforts (struggles) in India as well .. My organization 
IT for Change is focussed on advocating FOSS with the Govt departments 
and believes of Govts adopt FOSS, it will significantly boost FOSS 
adoption by society. We maintain a website 
where we have discussed advantages, policies, programs and our research 
and advocacy efforts relating to FOSS use in public sector (hence the 
term public software for the site!)

you could go through the site pages for possible ideas etc


Gurumurthy Kasinathan
IT for Change
Bridging Development Realities and Technological Possibilities
Tel:98454 37730
*IT for Change is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with United 
Nations’ Economic and Social Council*

Matt Burkhardt wrote:
> Looks good.  You might want to cite a study from BECTA 
> The total cost of ownership (hardware + software + trainng + maintenance 
> costs) dropped anywhere from 20% to 75%.  A 50% drop means you can 
> double the number of computers for the exact same cost.
> Good luck!
> On Wed, 2009-06-17 at 16:12 +0500, Yusuf Abdulla Shunan wrote:
>> Hi
>> I am writing on behalf of a small group in the Maldives who are 
>> actively promoting FLOSS. Maldives Linux Users Group (MLUG) aka 
>> Maldives Open Source Society (MOSS).
>> We have been invited by the Government of Maldives (GOM) to give a 
>> presentation to the Policy Makers on the Use, Benefits and Ideas of 
>> FLOSS, after a long struggle. So we would like to give our best effort 
>> in this and invite anyone interested in commenting and suggesting.
>> Find attached the current presentation layout. And if you have the 
>> time and interest would appreciate if you visit our mailing list and 
>> contribute any of your ideas and/or point us in the right direction.
>> The meeting is set to next Monday, 22 June.
>> Mailing List in Google Groups (we are small so appreciate if you can 
>> bare with us!) :)
>> <>
>> -- 
>> Warm Regards,
>> Yusuf Abdulla Shunan
>> shunan at <mailto:shunan at>
> -- 
> Matt Burkhardt, M.Sci. Technology Management
> mlb at <mailto:mlb at>
> (301) 682-7901
> 502 Fairview Avenue
> Frederick, MD  21701


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