Help Needed in Marketing, Maldives Open Source Society

Yusuf Abdulla Shunan shunan at
Wed Jun 17 12:12:01 BST 2009


I am writing on behalf of a small group in the Maldives who are actively
promoting FLOSS. Maldives Linux Users Group (MLUG) aka Maldives Open Source
Society (MOSS).

We have been invited by the Government of Maldives (GOM) to give a
presentation to the Policy Makers on the Use, Benefits and Ideas of FLOSS,
after a long struggle. So we would like to give our best effort in this and
invite anyone interested in commenting and suggesting.

Find attached the current presentation layout. And if you have the time and
interest would appreciate if you visit our mailing list and contribute any
of your ideas and/or point us in the right direction.

The meeting is set to next Monday, 22 June.

Mailing List in Google Groups (we are small so appreciate if you can bare
with us!) :)

Warm Regards,
Yusuf Abdulla Shunan
shunan at
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