[ec2] Is ec2 killing my Folding at home Tasks?

Jorge Alvarez jrg_dnn at yahoo.com
Wed May 20 14:27:23 BST 2009

Hi All :)

Does anybody know why my folding at home processes at EC2 and Rackspace
Cloud Server are being Stopped, I'M Using the "SMP" client meaning it
starts a process for each available CPU Core. At Rackspace I Signed up
for 250 MB server, But they still give me acces to all 4 cores in the
instance. After a few minutes of running at Full Throttle, Folding at Home
Stops, with no error message, and the tasks at "top" dissapear. Same
problem at ec2 using canonical and alestic AMIs on the large and XLarge
64 bit intances? 
P.S I'm running the same version of Folding at home in my home computer
(Intel quad core, 4GB MEM) and everything is fine. Any clues as to why
this is happening.

Thank you

Jorge Alvarez

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