Adding a package to the Screencast wiki page

Connor Imes connor.k.imes at
Sun Jul 24 17:39:19 UTC 2022

On 7/24/2022 1:19 PM, Little Girl wrote:
> Hey there,
> Connor Imes wrote:
>> Thanks for pointing this out.  I'd think that page should be
>> editable by anyone with permissions to edit the community wiki.
> It seems like it should.
>> It looks like I can edit it, but I think we should resolve the real
>> problem preventing you from editing it yourself.
> I hope that can happen. I don't make edits often, but it's nice when
> you can decide to add or change something, log on, do it, and be
> done. By the way, thank you for so quickly making the edit.
I think that was Doug.  Thanks Doug!
>> Over the years I've lost track of how community wiki permissions are
>> managed.  AFAIK, members of [1] should have the highest-level
>> editing permissions, like deleting and renaming pages.  I'm not sure
>> why there's only 3 of us left on that LP team.  [1] links to [2],
>> but their listings are inconsistent with each other.  I suspect that
>> [2] is inaccurate (e.g., it lists my old username from ~10 years
>> ago, but not my LP handle).  Then there's [3], but I'm not sure how
>> exactly it fits in.
> What's really sad is how small the lists on each of those pages are.
Agreed, which is one reason I would like clarification on their 
correctness.  In general, I'd encourage contributors to request the 
permissions they need to maximize the contributions they're willing to make.
>> Obviously other people have lower-level editing permissions, but I'm
>> not sure who exactly - all Ubuntu Members?
> No idea, but I suspect that I'm currently beneath even those, because
> I have no editing power whatsoever.
> I've been a Launchpad member for 14 years and used to pretty actively
> contribute content to the Ubuntu documentation team's efforts, so I'm
> not a complete "unknown" to the powers-that-be, but perhaps my more
> recent lack of activity changed my status.
>> We may need clarification from Canonical admins who manage LP and
>> Community Help Wiki MoinMoin configurations (not to be confused with
>> the Ubuntu Wiki, which should have a different configuration).
> Hopefully one of them will jump in with a suggestion on what can be
> done about this issue.
> If it helps any:
> 	1. I opened the [4] page and logged in using Ubuntu One.
> 	2. I opened the [1] page and instead of showing me as being
> 	logged in, it displayed a "Log in/Register" link.
> 	3. I  clicked the "Log in/Register" link on [1] and was
> 	prompted to give my Ubuntu One credentials, which I did.
> 	4. I successfully refreshed [1] and [4] without being
> 	unintentionally logged out on either page.
> 	[interlude]
> 		It stands to reason that logging out of Ubuntu One on
> 		[1] should automatically log me out of Ubuntu One on
> 		[4] (or vice versa). As a result, if I log out of
> 		Ubuntu One on [1] and then refresh [4], I should no
> 		longer be logged in on [1] or [4]. Let's try it...
> 	[/interlude]
> 	5. I successfully logged out of Ubuntu One on [1].
> 	6. I refreshed [4]. I was now no longer logged in on [1], but
> 	still logged in on [4].
> Perhaps there's some sort of disconnect between the logging
> interface on Ubuntu One and the pages that use it?
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
> [4]

I think the first step is to please check that you're a member of the 
Ubuntu Wiki Editors LP Group [5].  If you've done any of your editing in 
the last 5 years or so, I think you must've been at some point, but 
perhaps your membership expired (you didn't renew), or they purged 
inactive members.



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