Adding a package to the Screencast wiki page

Little Girl littlergirl at
Sun Jul 24 17:19:33 UTC 2022

Hey there,

Connor Imes wrote:

>Thanks for pointing this out.  I'd think that page should be
>editable by anyone with permissions to edit the community wiki.

It seems like it should.

>It looks like I can edit it, but I think we should resolve the real
>problem preventing you from editing it yourself.

I hope that can happen. I don't make edits often, but it's nice when
you can decide to add or change something, log on, do it, and be
done. By the way, thank you for so quickly making the edit.

>Over the years I've lost track of how community wiki permissions are 
>managed.  AFAIK, members of [1] should have the highest-level
>editing permissions, like deleting and renaming pages.  I'm not sure
>why there's only 3 of us left on that LP team.  [1] links to [2],
>but their listings are inconsistent with each other.  I suspect that
>[2] is inaccurate (e.g., it lists my old username from ~10 years
>ago, but not my LP handle).  Then there's [3], but I'm not sure how
>exactly it fits in.

What's really sad is how small the lists on each of those pages are.

>Obviously other people have lower-level editing permissions, but I'm
>not sure who exactly - all Ubuntu Members?

No idea, but I suspect that I'm currently beneath even those, because
I have no editing power whatsoever.

I've been a Launchpad member for 14 years and used to pretty actively
contribute content to the Ubuntu documentation team's efforts, so I'm
not a complete "unknown" to the powers-that-be, but perhaps my more
recent lack of activity changed my status.

>We may need clarification from Canonical admins who manage LP and 
>Community Help Wiki MoinMoin configurations (not to be confused with
>the Ubuntu Wiki, which should have a different configuration).

Hopefully one of them will jump in with a suggestion on what can be
done about this issue.

If it helps any:
	1. I opened the [4] page and logged in using Ubuntu One.
	2. I opened the [1] page and instead of showing me as being
	logged in, it displayed a "Log in/Register" link.
	3. I  clicked the "Log in/Register" link on [1] and was
	prompted to give my Ubuntu One credentials, which I did.
	4. I successfully refreshed [1] and [4] without being
	unintentionally logged out on either page.
		It stands to reason that logging out of Ubuntu One on
		[1] should automatically log me out of Ubuntu One on
		[4] (or vice versa). As a result, if I log out of
		Ubuntu One on [1] and then refresh [4], I should no
		longer be logged in on [1] or [4]. Let's try it...
	5. I successfully logged out of Ubuntu One on [1].
	6. I refreshed [4]. I was now no longer logged in on [1], but
	still logged in on [4].

Perhaps there's some sort of disconnect between the logging
interface on Ubuntu One and the pages that use it?


Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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