Adding a package to the Screencast wiki page

Little Girl littlergirl at
Sun Jul 24 18:34:35 UTC 2022

Hey there,

Connor Imes wrote:
>Little Girl wrote:

>> By the way, thank you for so quickly making the edit.
>I think that was Doug.  Thanks Doug!

Yep, that's sorted now, You've all been very helpful.

>> What's really sad is how small the lists on each of those pages
>> are.
>Agreed, which is one reason I would like clarification on their 
>correctness.  In general, I'd encourage contributors to request the 
>permissions they need to maximize the contributions they're willing
>to make.

Yeah, and the little link to [5] at the bottom of the [4] page was
right there in plain sight, but it's so easy to ignore footers on
pages that it's likely that it's being missed by folks who would
otherwise contribute. I confess to having blown right past it without
even realizing it was there.

A warm-welcome description on the [5] page might also help prevent
the kind of intimidation that can be caused by invitation-only and/or
approval-only teams like that one.

>> Hopefully one of them will jump in with a suggestion on what can be
>> done about this issue.
>I think the first step is to please check that you're a member of
>the Ubuntu Wiki Editors LP Group [5].  If you've done any of your
>editing in the last 5 years or so, I think you must've been at some
>point, but perhaps your membership expired (you didn't renew), or
>they purged inactive members.

No idea, but I wasn't a member today, so I've now applied.


Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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