Current wiki access status

Paul White paulw2u at
Sun Jun 5 11:51:20 UTC 2016

On Sun, 5 Jun 2016, at 00:10, Elizabeth K. Joseph wrote:

> The wikis are locked down to only two teams: ~ubuntu-members and a
> Canonical team.
> We had to remove ~ubuntu-etherpad some time ago because it had:

Thanks for that confirmation  which I've also posted on the Ubuntu
Forums as several users are claiming their own fixes or that the problem
has been fixed.

Such posts there are not only misleading but causing a great deal of
confusion when other forum users find that they still can't edit the
wikis after being told that they should now be able to.

Please can those that are working with Canonical IS keep us all informed
of whatever progress is being made?
Paul White
PaulW2U at

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