Easy access to translated Ubuntu Help pages

Gunnar Hjalmarsson gunnarhj at ubuntu.com
Thu Mar 19 22:57:15 UTC 2015

Hello translators!

DocumentationStringFreeze for Vivid is today, and version 15.04.1 of the
ubuntu-docs package has been uploaded. However, the latest translations
are not yet reflected when you browse Ubuntu Help from the official
Ubuntu archive. Therefore we have also uploaded ubuntu-docs in the PPA
of the documentation team:


If you install the .deb file in the PPA, translated pages for all
available languages will be installed on the disk. Those pages include
translations as per March 19. There are unusually few new strings this
cycle - hence a chance to catch up, perhaps. ;)

Happy translating!

for the Documentation Team:
Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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