Dutch translation wiki main page

Hannie Dumoleyn lafeber-dumoleyn2 at zonnet.nl
Wed Feb 5 07:32:33 UTC 2014

Thank you all for your input. The conclusion is that it is not worth the 
effort to translate the wiki pages. It is also useless to translate the 
main page whilst the linked pages are still in English.
Instead, loco teams may decide to copy/translate pages and put them on 
their own site. On the English wiki main page, or on a separate page, 
information about, and links to localized documentation can be added.

op 04-02-14 18:44, Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph schreef:
> On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 8:29 AM, Hannie Dumoleyn
> <lafeber-dumoleyn2 at zonnet.nl> wrote:
>> Questions: is it worthwhile? Will there be enough users of a certain
>> language who do not understand English well enough?
> I've wondered this myself. Over the years many LoCos have created
> their own language translationed docs, wikis, forums, etc because the
> English-ones haven't been sufficient (instruction pages all in
> English, poor character support, poor navigation). In general I've
> assumed they'd continue down this path rather than working to make
> translations work in the community help wiki.
>> If so, then ALL the
>> (linked) pages should be translated. Is that feasible?
> this is
> Seeing as we struggle to even keep the English pages updated, and they
> are edited regularly (requiring translators to keep an eye on them),
> I'm going to say no,  not feasible.

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