Calling for Server Guide reviewers/contributors - - TRUSTY
Tom Davies
tomcecf at
Thu Dec 26 12:46:42 UTC 2013
Hi :)
It's probably not important to get the guide looking exactly the same,
wrt themes etc. Branding and marketing do suggest that it would be
good to have internal consistency within the guide itself and to use
some elements (crucially logos) from the other guides.
Also the best principle to follow seems to be "release early and
release often". So, get the job done the easiest way possible to get
it out there quickly. Don't worry about theming or look&feel much at
all. Even glaring inaccuracies might be worth skating over just to
get the finished product "out there" for people to see. Once it's out
there fix the inaccuracies first and then the look&feel later.
Obviously for printed materials we have to think differently but even
so getting a 1st draft ready for as many people as possible to see is
a good plan.
If it's "out there", and people see it, they are more likely to join
in with working on it. If they don't even know it exists they wont
join in.
Regards from
Tom :)
On 13 December 2013 20:59, Patrick Thölken <patrick.thoelken at> wrote:
> Sounds good
> Short Message because it's send from my iPhone.
>> On Dec 13, 2013, at 9:56 PM, "Peter Matulis" <peter.matulis at> wrote:
>>> On 12/13/2013 01:00 PM, Spencer Krum wrote:
>>> The other question is do we have to conform to some Ubuntu look and feel
>>> guide. Making the server guide look like opsschool will be pretty easy,
>>> making a theme that will look exactly like the server guide does now,
>>> with coloring and tinting and branding and such might be much harder.
>> Yes, good point.
>> Based on the level of contributions in the last 4 years the Ubuntu
>> Server Guide is on a trajectory of irrelevance. We've seen some good
>> contributions in the last couple of years (most notably the LXC and
>> Multipath chapters) but it has not been enough.
>> It would be great if we could maintain the current look and feel but
>> it's not an impediment if not. I'm sure we could Ubuntu-fy it in some
>> way. The most important elements are:
>> 1. Accurate information
>> 2. Improving contributions (the reason why we're considering dumping
>> Docbook).
>> ~pmatulis
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