Ubuntu Council and supporting Phil
Tom Davies
tomdavies04 at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Aug 18 08:45:05 UTC 2013
Hi :)
School-work and homework are more important than working on projects. So is sleep. Mostly because it means you can be more productive in the time that you do work on Ubuntu.
Paid employment is a bit different. Sometimes you have to appear busy even though the boss hasn't given you anything to do or you have to sit&wait for something to happen before being able to get on with something or you might need a distraction so that your brain starts thinking "outside the box" to solve a problem. In school most of those scenarios should lead you to find some way to improve your chances of getting better results in exams due at the end of the year and at break time you really need to relax and maybe even have fun (if that is possible) to allow your brain time to readjust to fit all the new things you might have accidentally learned without really realising it. Work is very different.
Regards from
Tom :)
> From: Ubuntu/FOSS <johnkim.ubuntu at gmail.com>
>To: Tom Davies <tomdavies04 at yahoo.co.uk>
>Cc: Phill Whiteside <PhillW at Ubuntu.com>; Doug Smythies <dsmythies at telus.net>; Ubuntu <ubuntu-doc at lists.ubuntu.com>
>Sent: Saturday, 17 August 2013, 21:35
>Subject: Re: Ubuntu Council and supporting Phil
>I regret not attending either. I was at school and for a moment, I forgot until the time passed.
>John Kim
>Ubuntu Docs/QA Contributor
>johnkim.ubuntu at gmail.com
>On Aug 17, 2013, at 11:42 AM, Tom Davies <tomdavies04 at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>Hi :)
>>It's ok Phil. 2 people did manage to go to scout it out and see how intense and organised they were. I prefer the term afk (=away from keyboard) but each to their own.
>>I think next time it would be good to have a plan of 2 or 3 things to say/report on.
>>Regards from
>>Tom :)
>>> From: Phill Whiteside <PhillW at Ubuntu.com>
>>>To: Doug Smythies <dsmythies at telus.net>
>>>Cc: Ubuntu <ubuntu-doc at lists.ubuntu.com>
>>>Sent: Saturday, 17 August 2013, 16:17
>>>Subject: Re: Ubuntu Council and supporting Phil
>>>sadly I was busy last Thursday (RL stuff) and was unable to attend.
>>>On 17 August 2013 16:11, Doug Smythies <dsmythies at telus.net> wrote:
>>>>On 2013.08.17 03:54 Tom Davies wrote:
>>>>> How did the meeting go? Was anyone else able to join in
>>>>> and help Phil with this? Phil were you able to go?
>>>>> Should we try to schedule to be in a future meeting
>>>>> sometime reasonably soon? Perhaps fairly regularly
>>>>> like 1 every 3months? Is anyone else from the team
>>>>> able to join in with anything like that?
>>>>The link to the minutes from the CC catch up meeting of
>>>>a couple of days ago have not yet been added to [2],
>>>>but they can be found at [1].
>>>>Attendance from our group was pathetic (myself and Benjamin).
>>>>(I did notice phill's name in the list of who was on
>>>>the IRC channel.)
>>>>... Doug
>>>>[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/CC
>>>>[2] http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/08/15/%23ubuntu-meeting.html
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