Software on

Benjamin Kerensa bkerensa at
Sat May 12 23:04:31 UTC 2012

On May 12, 2012 1:04 AM, "Matthew East" <mdke at> wrote:
> On 10 May 2012 17:15, Benjamin Kerensa <bkerensa at> wrote:
> > Prior to UDS I was asked to help provide some leadership surrounding the
> > testing and potential implementation
> > of SUMO since not much work on the idea got done last cycle.
> I look forward to that. Please remember that an important part (some
> might say the only relevant part) of leadership involves engaging the
> group of people affected by your task. Not even telling them about the
> UDS discussion before it happened is quite a big failure of
> communication.
> There are quite a few challenges that haven't yet been considered
> properly (e.g. how to manage the static part of, how
> local teams who are currently maintaining their own documentation
> sites will be affected by the introduction of potentially duplicative
> localisation efforts, and so on) and I'd like to see proper open
> discussion of the pros and cons of this software before a decision is
> made as to implementation.
> --
> Matthew East
> gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF

I'm unsure how we could have done a better job to make all stakeholders
aware of the blueprint. This is something that had been discussed both on
IRC and the Doc Mailing List for months prior to UDS.
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