Software on

Phill Whiteside PhillW at
Sat May 12 23:22:10 UTC 2012

Hi Ben,

I'm a subscriber to the doc mailing list and the last I heard was that
there were a couple of things 'up for discussion'. I can go try and dig
through my email archive to find the last active post on what was proposed.
On the point raised that we have not been 'made aware', I sadly have to
agree. We've been 'keeping our powder dry' awaiting the proposal(s) for
what will be a massive undertaking of all who are involved in maintaining
the wiki area(s). But, that aside, it is good to see that we are now
discussing what the future concept and abilities of the wiki area(s) will
be. Having multilingual support would be excellent, as would be a
standardised method of renaming 'old' pages. It is important that we all
sing off the same hymn sheet and are all fully aware of what is impending.

Thanks for the taking on the task of pulling all this together,


On 13 May 2012 00:04, Benjamin Kerensa <bkerensa at> wrote:

> On May 12, 2012 1:04 AM, "Matthew East" <mdke at> wrote:
> >
> > On 10 May 2012 17:15, Benjamin Kerensa <bkerensa at> wrote:
> > > Prior to UDS I was asked to help provide some leadership surrounding
> the
> > > testing and potential implementation
> > > of SUMO since not much work on the idea got done last cycle.
> >
> > I look forward to that. Please remember that an important part (some
> > might say the only relevant part) of leadership involves engaging the
> > group of people affected by your task. Not even telling them about the
> > UDS discussion before it happened is quite a big failure of
> > communication.
> >
> > There are quite a few challenges that haven't yet been considered
> > properly (e.g. how to manage the static part of, how
> > local teams who are currently maintaining their own documentation
> > sites will be affected by the introduction of potentially duplicative
> > localisation efforts, and so on) and I'd like to see proper open
> > discussion of the pros and cons of this software before a decision is
> > made as to implementation.
> >
> > --
> > Matthew East
> >
> > gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF
> I'm unsure how we could have done a better job to make all stakeholders
> aware of the blueprint. This is something that had been discussed both on
> IRC and the Doc Mailing List for months prior to UDS.
> --
> ubuntu-doc mailing list
> ubuntu-doc at

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