Typo's in ubuntu-docs Oneiric version
Jeremy Bicha
jeremy at bicha.net
Tue Dec 13 04:05:31 UTC 2011
On 12 December 2011 07:13, Hannie Dumoleyn <lafeber-dumoleyn2 at zonnet.nl> wrote:
> Hello,
> While translating ubuntu-docs-oneiric, I encounter quite a few typos. I
> reported a few of them, but it seems they are already fixed in the Precise
> version.
> Now I am not sure what to do when I find more typos, like "chromacity
> diagram", which I think should be "chromaticity diagram". For the time being
> I will stop reporting typos like this, because it is difficult to find out
> if it has been reported or fixed already.
> I usually give the number of the string with the typo in the title of the
> bugreport, e.g. typo in string #n, but others prefer to mention the typo
> itself in the title of the bug. Are there guidelines for this?
> Hannie
Hannie, thanks so much for reporting the typos as you come across
them. It is a big help and it's not too difficult for the
Documentation Team to triage the bug reports and check whether it's
already been reported or fixed. Please continue to file bugs or at
least ping us on the mailing list or in the mostly-quiet #ubuntu-doc
The bug reports are also useful if we decide to backport some of these
fixes to the latest stable release. I'm not really sure of what our
policy is on that as we don't want to break translations to fix typos.
There is some way to do fuzzy translations which might be what we need
but I don't know how to do that.
Although not necessary, if you'd like to check if the bug has already
been fixed, you can:
1. bzr branch lp:ubuntu-docs (only needs to be done the first time)
2. cd ubuntu-docs/ubuntu-help/C/
3. bzr pull (checks for latest updates and doesn't need to be done the
first time)
4. rgrep "chromacity diagram" . (that final period is important)
If there are no results, then the phrase in quotation marks couldn't
be found. The search is case sensitive. Otherwise, it'll give you the
name of the file where the string can be found. Include the filename
in your bug report. Personally, I don't find the string number to be
very useful so you can leave that out unless it's helpful to other
Although I've never really heard of chromacity or chromaticity, Google
& Wikipedia tells me that the second spelling is more common so I've
corrected it. Thanks again!
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