Computer-janitor-gtk documentation

epic93dude at epic93dude at
Fri Jan 15 13:39:56 UTC 2010

I've decided to go through a bitesize bug (#504981) to get an idea of the process, and I think I know what to do, except... Do I submit the html file as the patch?
The wiki has a lot on how to fix bugs in the docs, but I couldn't find anything about working on online help pages. (Perhaps this should be added or, if it exists elsewhere, linked to?)
------Original Message------
From: Matthew East
Sender: matthew.east at
To: epic93dude at
Cc: Ubuntu Docs
Subject: Re: Computer-janitor-gtk documentation
Sent: Jan 15, 2010 1:31 AM


On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 10:42 PM,  <epic93dude at> wrote:
> Has anyone written documentation for computer janitor? I was looking on the wiki and it says none, and I was wondering if it needed any work.

It definitely does. There was some interest expressed in it in the
past [1] but I don't think that this was taken forward too much so you
are definitely welcome to have a go. I set out here some ideas for how
to approach the task [2]. An outline was created and Phil set out his
feedback here [3], so please take a look at that.


Thanks for your interest and let us know if you need any help or advice.

Matthew East
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Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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